SG @ Amy’s Big Canberra Bike Ride

After designing the promotional material for Canberra’s premier community bike ride for Pedal Power ACT Bill took to a cargo bike with his daughter and nephew and rode the streets of the nation’s capital for Amy’s Big Canberra Bike Ride. 1300 fellow cycling enthusiasts took part to enjoy Canberra’s fabulous bike facilities and help spread the word about the good work done by Pedal Power and the Amy Gillet Foundation. AGF are a wonderful charity dedicated to reducing the incidence of death and injury of bike riders.
The big kid and 2 little kids also met Australia’s incredible World Track Champion Anna Meares. She gave all those who came within her orbit a lot of time and graciously received the accolades from those in the know on her recent victory. She really engaged with the kids and happily answered all sorts of questions. Bill and his posse left their encounter with Anna a little star struck!
The three of them agreed that it was a hoot and will be back again next year!