We love a thank you!

Just before Anzac Day a client dropped off a thank you pressie…aww.! We’d managed to turn her bespoke one-off ‘magazine’ around pronto and she loved it! It was a fun gig but we only had a few days to go from an idea to execution and presentation.
After the design was approved we had to make this multipage and cover publication! Fortunately we have an old school printer next door and we spent some time with him and blew the cobwebs off his binding, drills and scoring machines and got to work. Hearing the old war stories of printing days long past, letterpress and using wooden and lead type only added to the enjoyment.
There was only one copy – so we don’t have any pics [hopefully she’ll give it up for an afternoon so we can get a few pics up]….but the bickies are yummy! The client is also a chef…and we’ve been promised a grand dinner…whoohoo!