We care about our impact on the environment and always consider environmentally friendly design solutions.
When we make decisions about how we work, what we buy and what we use, the potential environmental impact of these choices always plays a part in the process. It has become our challenge to use less, make informed choices and recycle where we can.

Our office is a retro-fitted ‘environmentally friendly’ and healthy new space. We went to great lengths to reuse and recycle what we could from the old office, used all natural paints, LED lighting, went mad with insulation, used water based inks and hemp in light coverings and undertake energy audits. Any new furnishings were created using woods from a sustainable resource and recyclable glass. Our appliances are energy efficient.
ACTSmart and ActewAGL Greenchoice
SG is currently in the accreditation process for the ACTSmart Business Active Recycling program. The program is about recycling every thing you possibly can within the work place so that as little as possible goes to land fill. Did you know everything from paper, cardboard, organic waste (food scraps, including teabags), printer cartridges, batteries, foil and much more can be recycled if put into the right area? If you would like to find out more for your own work place please visit www.actsmart.act.gov.au for more details.
We have also opted for ActewAGL’s green energy program, Greenchoice, where the extra amount we pay for our electricity bill each day is invested in renewable energy generation from sources like mini hydro, wind power and biomass.
Our Suppliers
Our 20+ years of experience working in Canberra means that we have established relationships with reliable suppliers who keep us abreast of recent developments in their industries – including the latest environmentally responsible products and methods. From printers and paper merchants to office suppliers and waste disposers. We’re more than happy to share the green love.
Your Projects
When working with us we can give you environmental options on print, papers and any production processes. Don’t worry we’re not ‘born again’ greenies about it all, but where we can, we can recommend green options that won’t necessarily cost you any more.
Green Certifications
We know there’s a plethora of information, and bodies claiming to certify environmental performance.To help make sense of this, and to make it a bit less complicated [we’re all about that!] we place our trust in just a handful of organisations:
FSC – ‘promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial,and economically viable management of the world’s forests’. The FSC has stringent guidelines and a comprehensive chain of custody for paper and print production. Selecting FSC paper and using a FSC certified printer means you support good forestry practices. Paper merchants are so confident in the FSC chain of custody they claim papers can be sourced back to the tree that the pulp came from! If you would like to your work to be FSC certified, please speak to us about your options.For more info about FSC visit www.fscaustralia.org
PEFC – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification [PEFC]. An international non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. PEFC works through the forest supply chain to promote good practice and ensure timber and non-timber forest products are produced with the highest ecological, social and ethical standards.For more info about PEFC visit www.pefc.org
National Carbon Offset Standard – An Australian Government initiative that provides guidance on what constitutes a genuine, additional voluntary offset. It sets minimum requirements and provides guidance to calculate the carbon footprint of an organisation or product for the purpose of achieving ‘carbon neutrality’. A trade mark has been developed to provide consumers with confidence that organisations and products bearing the mark are committed to carbon neutrality in a way that achieves genuine emissions reductions.To find out more about the National Carbon Offset Standard visit www.climatechange.gov.au