Art @ SG
We are reaping the rewards on the inspired artwork by Sophia [Bill’s creative better half] and the crazy amount of time spent collecting and arranging wooden type! Proudly installed in the studio are her gorgeous works of carefully formatted antique wood type and scrabble pieces. See how many words you can find in the image […]
Melbourne Cup 2010
We were all lucky enough to be able to go for a nice long lunch and watch the Melbourne cup up at lovely Buzz Cafe. Bill, Jennie and Dawn cleaned up, all winning something, Kimberly on the other hand lost badly.
Diana’s farewell wedding lunch
Our designer is running off to get married to the love of her life in Tasmania. She will only be gone for 2 weeks, but we will really miss her. We had lunch at Silo to bid her farewell. Do you like the photos Bill took on his new iphone, with LUMO effect? He thinks […]
Roller Derby
A big thank you to Can Print who took us to Roller Derby last Saturday. Not for the faint hearted.
Flower and law exhibition
Bill and Kimberly were invited to the opening of the Flora and The Law exhibition at the Hight Court of Australia. This is a unique exhibition which showcases many and varied links between the law and plants.